Management factors associated with stereotypic and redirected behavior in the thoroughbred horse. Oat Hay. Equine Chronicle ® All Rights Reserved. Straw often gets “bad press” in the context of gastric ulcers as one study by researchers in Denmark, found that a horse eating straw as the sole or predominant forage source was 4.5 times more likely to have gastric ulcers. J of Equine Vet Sci 2009; 29(5): 355-357. People consider feeding straw for a variety of reasons such as reducing caloric intake, providing an alternative to horses that want to eat constantly, saving money on hay or substituting for hay when there is a shortage. All horses need carbohydrates in their diet. If you or your help pull small bales apart to feed, the flakes will fall and separate ( or should do if it is good hay properly cured), and you will soon detect any poor smell or visual surprises.  The risks of large rounds is the same for the larger square bales. Of course, the best alternative is good pasture grass, but this isn't always possible. Because of the high fiber content, grass hay is a convenient solution for these easy keepers since it can satisfy the horse’s appetite, without adding extra calories and protein. Rhodes grass is a good horse pasture for Australian conditions and is easy to find from most seed stockists. Dispose of water in random grassy areas that horses can’t access. Cattle aren’t as sensitive to moldy hay, but certain molds can result in mycotic abortions or aspergillosis. (ed) Forage quality, evaluation, and utilization. 2009; 727-740. Oat hay has thick tougher stalks that some horses will not eat. Hay for horses should never contain dust or mold, as it may lead to coughing and respiratory problems. Third cut hay is considered a “rich” hay, it’s nutrient dense but the lack of fibre can be problematic and cause digestive issues. I don’t think so! Reynolds et al. The horse that tends to overeat can be put in a nearby corral for part of each day or night. The wastage factor is high. Animal Feed Sci. Just remember, if you are throwing hay away because of poor quality, you will not be saving money because you found a cheap product price. Dry matter loss was similar among the hay types after soaking for 15, 30 and 60 minutes. A high performance racehorse may benefit from alfalfa or mixed alfalfa. This is beneficial for horses with breathing problems such as heaves. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). I know soybean MEAL is gret.. its high protein, calcium and phosphorus content. Which Hay? Soaking hay for 15 to 60 minutes in water reduces water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), potassium (K) and dust. You don’t want a damp or musty smell. Alfalfa is a good source of nutrients for sport horses, but owners might want to avoid offering it when horses are working hard in hot weather, … Hay can also be useful when keeping horses indoors, and while transporting them. And with horses who like to paw & put holes in them. Mold-infected clover can cause slobbers, liver damage and bleeding in horses. clovers, and legume grasses such as alfalfa and more. Effects of soaking hay fodder for horses on dust and mineral content. Horses may bleed if moldy sweet clover hay is a large part of their diet for several days. Learn to identify these plants in your pastures and yards and be sure to remove them as soon as possible to keep your horses safe. Often the outer layer may be good, but a deeper inspection may be required. Also, legume-based hay may be too rich in nutrients for an easy-keeping horse that’s prone to weight gain, or a horse that’s mostly retired and has lower energy needs. If your hay is between 500,000 and 1 million cfu/g of mold, use precaution by pulling flakes apart before feeding, feeding outside or in a well-ventilated area, using a hay net to restrict the horses ability to bury their nose into the hay, and wetting the hay to reduce the amount of mold spores inhaled. This research suggests the nitrogen left in rained-on hay is more stable and possibly less digestible by ruminants. it can cause colic, ulcers, respiratoy infection etc. National Research Council (NRC). The farmer and his help will notice an off smelling bale and discard it. © The nutrition of the hay will be diminished to some extent which will make it a poorer product though these bales are still very suitable for cattle and pig feeding. More mature oat hay has thick tougher stalks that some horses will not eat. Feed soaked hay right away to avoid mold growth. For these horses, pellets or hay cubes can be a critical source of fiber and general nutrition. 3. Alfalfa and orchardgrass need to soak for 60 minutes to reduce K to recommended levels prior to feeding HYPP horses. Low NSC is common in alfalfa since legumes store carbohydrates as starch. Horses that have allergies and are sensitive to the natural dust and particles in hay can benefit significantly from wetting or soaking hay. You are adding moisture from the repeated condensation of the metal sides and roof and floor of the steel container. The situation is, my three horses have been eating the bermuda hay for months and they are fine. Newly cut hay is going to be much richer than last years cut, and if it comes from a different source/field will also have a different make up to the previous hay you have fed. The Horse Studio Team and The Merry Band at Catskill Horse hope this article has helped you with your horses’ hay. There is some evidence to suggest that certain preservatives, while all are undetectable to the eye or nose, may cause respiratory inflammation in horses of all ages. Baling and cutting alfalfa is a whole other topic too. Whether you feed grass or legume hay will depend primarily on what is available in your area and your horse’s particular nutritional needs. Prior to soaking, both alfalfa hays were below 10 percent NSC (Table 1). If your horse is showing symptoms of ryegrass toxicity such as tremors, weakness, and drooling, it is important that he is placed in a quiet stall. Personally, unless it is a thoroughbred mare in foal or a high performance thoroughbred cross, I rarely use second cut for horses. 1997 found that horses with HYPP need complete diets less than 1 percent K. Moore-Colyer 1996 found that soaking hay for 30 minutes reduced respiratory problems for horses with COPD or heaves. The mycotoxins from mold can be toxic to horses. Equine Vet J 1995; 27:86-91. Mouth ulcers, also called hay blisters, can be caused when horses ingest foxtail (Setaria species).Foxtail seedheads are green to light green in color, and resemble a bottle brush or a fox tail. But there's a downside. First, if you have only a few horses, the round hay bale can lie in the feeder for a long time. This is beneficial for horses with breathing problems such as heaves. Horse owners should check hay for the presence of foxtails before feeding it to their animals. Again, this improves air flow and improves safety of the stack and hopefully prevents it from tumbling down. Licitra G, Hernandez TM, Van Soest PJ. Humid weather can also cause the rapid onset of mold. Acid Treated Hay for Horses While many horse owners select hay for their horses based on different characteristics (color, smell, type of hay or hay mix) one characteristic that remains the same for all hay is having a dust free and mold free bale. Thus, this hay didn’t need soaking for horses with PSSM and laminitis. Hay needs air circulating to keep it healthy. Hay that contains contaminated ryegrass can remain toxic for many years. We need more research to check this concept when feeding horses soaked hay. I will use it as a supplement, but not as a main dietary source. These hays are immature. "Last year's drought meant that Missouri's hay crop, which is usually balanced very well for a horse's nutrition, was much poorer than usual," said Philip Johnson, professor of veterinary medicine and surgery. High protein feeds, including alfalfa hay, should ONLY be fed when required as a supplement to improve protein levels; but should never be used as a primary staple or to replace grass hay. 3. Add a layer of tarp and shavings on top to prevent this. Wet hay or hay stored in damp conditions can lead to the growth of mold. It's a handy system, and a very common one for horses in my part of the West. Horses are not the only animal susceptible to ryegrass toxicity; cattle, sheep, goats and pigs can be affected as well. Jennie Ivey, University of Tennessee Extension Equine Specialist, says foxtail does not produce a … Just be sure to check the moisture and follow the storage rules below. In addition to feeding oats as a grain ration, oat hay can make a good forage for horses. An additional benefit to grass hay is that is easier on the kidney's due to it's lower protein content and it tends to have finer stems, making it easier to chew and digest…..nice for senior horses. While turkey buzzards, coyotes and foxes may be around to pick off the dead matter from the windrows, round bales are often baled with much larger windrows, which means the dead animal parts may not be seen and pulled out before baling. When hay is on the ground, the horse eats with his head and neck in a natural grazing position. See notes below for special circumstances for underweight/ill/rescue horses. If your hay dealer delivers you weedy hay, hay that is brown, hay that is dusty, hay that is of poor quality in general, then find another source. Technol. Most of these have been tested for safety with cattle, but may or may not have been tested on horses. But just be aware when you are buying hay, it is not all about the weight. The demand for "quality horse hay" is strong with price fluctuations depending on availability. The idiom uses a pun on the words “hey” and “hay,” which are “homophones” or words that sound alike. Grass type horse hays have a lower nutritional value than legumes, but are considered ‘safe’ hays, because it is harder for a horse to over eat or have a reaction to grass hay. Soaking hay for 15 to 60 minutes is a good way to manage these horses, but only soak hay if your preferred hay isn’t available. Some grasses like Brome and Timothy ae flexible with cutting and don’t lose nutritional value quickly. In this region, oats are dry-farmed for use as a cattle and horse feed. You can buy out of the wagons and will usually receive a discount from the farmer for doing this, as it saves double handling. Thus, this hay didn’t need soaking for horses with PSSM and laminitis. 1. Condividi il mondo Guidolin Horses! High fiber and very low NSC content in hay soaked for greater than 1 hour could reduce palatability and nutrients available in hay soaked longer. This is because it is higher in protein. Hay that contains contaminated ryegrass can remain toxic for many years. The Good Horse Grass Crested Dog’s Tail. If, however, the hay in the round bale was of questionable quality, several factors may have contributed to colic. In Proceedings, ENSP Annual Symptoms. Also with hay malls and older barns be aware they may look strong through the joists but may have been built for loose hay back in the day. The first cut of hay is the first hay harvested from a field for that year. Nutrient Requirements of Horses. Some types of mold may cause colic or can cause a pregnant mare to abort. The digestive system of a horse needs time to adjust to changes whether it be grain or hay, so be sure to add just a little bit of new with the old and switch over slowly. Moore-Colyer MJS. Reducing the horse’s protein intake (thus reducing the nitrogen intake) will influence the bacteria population in the gut, which is one of the reasons horse owners are always encouraged to make diet changes gradually. Oat grass is a common forage in the Western United States. Round bales are hard to handle in the barn, though they can be easily taken to the field with a tractor with the right fork or blade and are often used for outside feeding. Three types of plants are used to make horse hay: - Grasses. “You can also soak the feed for 15 to 30 minutes before feeding, so your horses can eat it wet, minimizing the risk of airborne mold dust,” advises Van Saun. Many of these situations are avoidable, so here are, in my opinion, “The Seven Deadly Sins of Horse Hay Making,” in no particular order. Yes, farmers are becoming high tech each year. The stems are thin and flexible, and it has a high fibre content. Moldy hay also puts ranchers at risk. In groups of horses, offering various piles of hay will also ensure all horses have access to the forage. Store it with string side on the vertical to facilitate good drainage of any moisture to the bottom bales on the stack. Hay for horses should never contain dust or mold, as it may lead to coughing and respiratory problems. Farmers receive a higher price for 2nd cut hay. So we won’t. Hay with less than 500,000 cfu/g of mold is considered good quality. If you have a worry that your stack is becoming too hot, then contact your Fire Department. Buying hay can be difficult, but it really is worth it to be particular because poor hay can … 1997; 18:11 731-735. This poses a real risk of botulism to your horse. Information provided by The International Equestrian Shop. Cattle aren’t as sensitive to moldy hay, but certain molds can result in mycotic abortions or aspergillosis. In Current Therapy in Equine Medicine. Oat Hay Analysis (average) There are a lot of resources out there to further advise you and with the internet many options for supply. The English idiomatic phrase “hay is for horses” is a specific idiom with a particular meaning and use; at its core, the phrase is really a remonstration for someone using the word “hey” as a verbal opener, to address someone or start a sentence. If you store on a concrete floor, moisture will aspirate off the concrete up into the stack, so avoid that. That is a topic for a whole article. Many horse owners are aware, alfalfa has been blamed (justly or unjustly) for problems associated with horse health. The horses will just leave the stuff they don't like and this waste is just part of feeding hay, IMHO. First Cut Versus Second Cut. Oat hay is high in fiber and the oats are already included in the feeding. Privacy Policy | Questions, please contact The Equine Chronicle If foxtail millet hay is fed to horses, additional calcium supplementation will be required as it is high in oxalates which are substances that make it difficult for the horse to absorb the calcium in its diet. Reynolds JA, Potter GD, Greene LW, Wu G, Carter GD, Martin MT, Peterson, TV, Murray-Gerzik M, Moss G, Erkert RS. Additionally, red clover is high in nutrients, but sometimes affected by a mold that causes harmless — … Oat hay tends to be higher in nitrates and also high in sugar (NSC), so this hay is not an option for insulin resistant horses. It is important that you check the quality of hay you use in your horse’s diet by core sampling and sending out for testing so you know what its protein content is and value to your horse’s overall nutrition. Extension is expanding its online education and resources to adapt to COVID-19 restrictions. If you have a hay mall, then do whatever you can to increase air circulation and obviously no roof leaks allowed. There are many types of grasses, timothy, orchard etc. Other problems can … But grass hays had good Ca:P ratios during all soaking lengths. This does not mean that it is a bad thing to do, it is just we don’t want to use an inferior product for our horses. There is a lot more to haymaking than ‘Making Hay While the Sun Shines,’ though that is a necessary start. on Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization, U of NE, Lincoln. and because the horses will trample it as they pull it out the feeder. Alfalfa hay is leafy, significantly higher in protein, depending on the hay maturity usually lower in fiber, and more easily digested than Bermuda grass hay. COPD or Heaves is an allergic reaction to dust and mold in the airway. Grasses have higher NSC levels because they store their carbohydrates as fructan. Good quality hay is soft, green and pleasant smelling. Sixth Revised Edition. Grass hay is also a good hay choice for “easy keepers”, meaning horses that easily gain weight or struggle to keep their weight down, especially ponies or miniature horses. Mouth ulcers, also called hay blisters, can be caused when horses ingest foxtail (Setaria species). Heaves. Too much protein is not necessarily good for horses, while for dairy cows it is beneficial. For example, if the hay contained mold there is some chance the horse ingested enough to cause digestive upset. The other problem with round bales can be because they are so large and don’t break easily into flakes it is hard to smell or check the bale for any dead rodents or other animal tissue. Bad horse hay? We all know the real hazards to horses of dusts and molds in hay. Before doing it, there are some things you should know. Foul smelling breath and pain when chewing can also indicate tooth abscesses or the presence of compacted feed in a diastema. You may not see them, you may not smell them, but the reality is that early respiratory issues often start with just one bad bale, and colic most certainly can be a real risk from bad hay, so as horse owner it pays to be diligent. … If, however, the hay in the round bale was of questionable quality, several factors may have contributed to colic. Baling hay that shows a moisture content of over 14% can be a recipe for disaster and is not recommended. Horses consuming sorghum hay for long periods may develop chronic cyanide poisoning that causes nerve degeneration in the hind legs, urinary tract, bladder, and rectum. 2. In order to manage lamintic horses and reduced amounts of carbohydrates in harvested forage, horse owners have resorted to soaking hay. Soaking reduced magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) levels in all hay types. If your feed merchant uses this method, beware. Whether you feed grass or legume hay will depend primarily on what is available in your area and your horse… For many years indicates that hay valued at $ 100 million is consumed by horses in my part of hay... 80 F and the Merry Band at Catskill horse hope this article has helped you with your ’! Levels above 12 percent amounts prior to feeding oats as a main dietary source Equine Vet Sci 2009 29... Horse 's nose and airways adapt to COVID-19 restrictions his head and neck in a container... Is on the stack, so avoid that that tends to overeat be... 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