Oat, Wheat & Barley Hay. I will work on a chicken version tomorrow, but for now, here is a handy chart for feeding rabbits sprouted fodder. This offers rabbits a higher effect of gut mobility and better maintenance of the intestinal tract, therefore reducing the risks of GI Stasis and other such problems. It is possible to give barley to rabbits, so there is no direct harm from barley, and it can also be included in the diet. . The hay is good quality, fragrant and soft. Bene Terra Organic Barley Biscuits are oven-baked, natural and full of organic goodness. It can be an oat or oat blend, timothy, orchard grass, Bermuda grass, meadow fescue grass, brome grass, rye, barley or wheat grass or mix of all. Essentially, there are two basic classifications of hay; one is Legume, the other is Grass. Although there are many different brands of alfalfa hay out there in the market, you must choose the one that is most suitable for your baby rabbits. As you’ve already learned, high-protein hays (like alfalfa) should be reserved for juvenile rabbits while adults can enjoy timothy, orchard grass, oat hay, and meadow hay. Barely rings make for a amazing treat as they are high in oil and also protein for weight gain and condition. Rabbits have to have a diet based mostly on hay, pellets, water and vegetables, with some fruits and herbs added from time to time. i love my rabbit very much and a farmer said give her barley hay because it is softer and more water it can soak up and it is sweet for them to eat. Your rabbits will sleep on the same hay and also feed on them. By now you know already alfalfa hay is best for baby rabbits. Signup for our newsletter and we will keep you updated with tips, news and more! 12lb box of 2 nd cut Timothy hay, which is supplied by Small Pet Select in a breathable box to keep the hay fresh (card keeps sunlight out but allows air to circulate). Too much protein will increase their weight. Without a balanced, consistent amount of hay, you’re risking GI-related and multiple health problems. Your rabbit’s hay should be 100% all-natural. Legume hay: usually means alfalfa. To get the best, it is suggested that buying / using the 2nd cutting of the year, as the weed content is lower than that of the 1st cut. The hay is good quality, fragrant and soft. It is often cheaper to order hay online rather than buying it from your nearest pet shop. If you feed this variety, be mindful to watch for weight gain, loose or wet droppings, un-eaten cecal pellets, and thick dark urine. The varieties under consideration were: Western Timothy Hay – “A quality US timothy hay: a mix of thin stem, seed head and green leaf.”; Readigrass – “A short chopped and rapid dried grass. Faster drying process leaves a lot more nutrition within the hay. Every time you buy a new packaged product you should verify the freshness and cleanliness of the hay yourself before you pass it to your rabbits. Nature's Own Pet Hay Meadow Hay Bedding Feed for Rabbits Guinea Pigs 2kg-14kg. However, the best practice is to feed alfalfa hay to baby rabbits because of the fact alfalfa hay contains more protein and calcium which helps highly for the development of young rabbits fitness. The exact amount of contained nutrients will vary somewhat, as is the case with all types of hay; however the average percentage rates are: Crude Protein 7 – 10% … Crude Fiber 25 – 28% … Calcium .5 – 1%, OAT HAY: The nutrient content of Oat Hay can vary greatly depending on the age of maturity when it is cut. The grain of any of these plants, used as food and fodder. Archaic. Dried grass may be a fine option to feed young rabbits. At the same time frequently check on their poops to find out any noticeable changes. Young bunnies should be exposed to hay as soon as they can eat on their own. You can simply go to Craigslist and search for the nearest farm and hay sellers. What are the best breeds of rabbits for first-time owners? 2kg Barley Straw Box 4kg Barley Straw Box Ideal bedding for both rabbits & guinea pigs. The frequency required for professional care is based on the rabbit's oral and dental health. Purchased oat, wheat & barley hay is it okay? You can find a lot more about the topic in this article >>> The importance of hay for rabbits. ALFALFA HAY: Alfalfa is the hay with the most calcium and protein content, but is low in fiber. Depending on the age of your rabbit you should feed your rabbits timothy hay or alfalfa hay. We source our hay and straw direct from the farmer, not through intermediaries; Our straw is bright, clean and golden barley straw grown on the Yorkshire Wolds and suitable for feeding or bedding. If you have connected with a good source, and considering the other usual factors involved – cutting time and such, the average nutrients to be expected are: Crude Protein 4 – 6% … Crude Fiber 28 – 31% … Calcium 0 – .5%, TIMOTHY HAY: Timothy hay is rumored to be one of the best options for rabbits. In addition, compared to whole barley, such a product has a lower protein and fat content, but surpasses it in carbohydrate content. Field-run & feed grain can be used, but they require cleaning. Like alfalfa and other clover species, white clover is an interesting source of protein and fibre for rabbits … The risk, however is that it also is high in calories, which can cause excessive weight gain and may also result in Bladder-Sludge. Barley can be cut and dried to make hay. It should be cut early (milky stage) to make hay. Hope this helps you decide to get your rabbit neutered or spayed since it's the wise choice to do so. The main purpose of growing oat, wheat, and barley grass is for their cereal grains. One leading concern is that with this, you are increasing the risk of unknown chemicals being included. 1 sold. A sample pack of the 3 types of hay is also available. Wait, search, or rescue? Rabbits should never receive any kind of bread, even if it is white bread. But once you purchase this brand of alfalfa hay, you will not want to go back and buy any other hay. It helps pass the fur they digest. Rabbits with dental disease should be periodically evaluated by the family veterinarian. If your rabbit is overweight do not feed them too much alfalfa hay. Otherwise, this variety is high in fiber, generally easily to digest, and tends to have a higher vitamin content that the other grass-varieties of hay. What to do if your rabbit is lost? It is a valuable source of winter forage in various regions, especially in the USA. These are typically cultivated for their cereal grain, although they should be harvested before the seed heads ripen to be consumed as grass hay. Considering all factors, the average expectancy for this type of hay is: Crude Protein 6 – 9% … Crude Fiber 28 – 31% …. The main purpose of growing oat, wheat, and barley grass is for their cereal grains. Totally t To buy the best rabbit hay you must visit your nearest pet shop or order it online. Try testing different kinds of hay. Rabbits are monogastric (they have a single stomach) and herbivorous (they eat plants). Once they don’t get to eat other dry foods they will start to have an appetite for dry grass hay. Don’t know your pet rabbit’s breed? oat, wheat, and barley hay by clicking here. Alfafa hay . Barley & wheat are preferred. Most other hay is green in color unlike oat wheat and barley hay which is color golden. You have to test out different kinds of hay and figure out which is the most suitable hay for your rabbit and what do they prefer the most. High Quality, Unchopped & Dust Extracted golden barley straw available in two box sizes. Green and rich in aroma and nutrition.” Oat, Wheat & Barley Hay – “Oat Wheat & Barley – “A yummy mix of coarse stem, broad leaf and seed head. Think Again. Wheat grass is very good for rabbits bum has loads of trace minerals in it that bum good for rabbits. So it is very essential you understand what are the types of hay and which is the best rabbit hay for your house rabbits. These are grown cereals harvested before their seeds mature or at the milk stage when the seeds are mainly fiber-rich husks. Although buying branded packaged products may be a bit pricey, your rabbits will love the taste and remain in good health. Once you recognize your rabbits favorite brand of hay, now you can simply order online from Amazon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The exact amount of contained nutrients will vary somewhat due to time of cutting, environmental issues, and other conditions, however the average percentage rates are: Crude Protein 15 – 22% … Crude Fiber 23 – 27% … Calcium .5 – 2.0%, CLOVER (red and white): While Clover hay is quite compatible with Alfalfa in protein and calcium content, the big problem is that is has a reputation for being too rich and having higher amounts of soluble sugars and carbohydrates, which are known accomplices of producing colic/gas related GI problems. Grass hay is basically different kinds of grass that dry naturally. It is a legume and has more proteins than grass hay. At the same time give them plenty of water to drink. This video is about Hay for rabbits, Remember that Hay (and water) are the most important things for rabbits to eat! Packed with fiber, antioxidants and omegas, they're perfect for rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and other small pets. Read the entry and then read what I’m thinking (as a person who has raised rabbits in cages with pellets and then more recently in a colony feeding primarily hay and sprouted barley) Rabbits. All you need to know about fighting rabbits. The Gold Standard of Small Pet Nutrition If the price of a bale of hay is cheap but your rabbit does not like to eat that hay, you will eventually throw away the hay. or pl. --Hay Sack--Alfalfa Hay $12 per sack, $10.00 per sack for bulk orders (more than 4 sacks)--- Hay is kept in bales until ordered for ultimate freshness. Additionally, the Oat and Barley varieties are also known as cereal-grain hays. Second or third cut. You can read more about >>> oat, wheat, and barley hay by clicking here. Oat (oht) noun. For rabbits unwilling or unable to eat hay, Herbivore Critical Care Formula (Oxbow Pet Products) can be very helpful during the transition back to an optimal diet. Here Are Some Important Things To Look For In Rabbit Hay: All-natural hay. Rabbits over 7 months old do not require too much protein in their diet. Calcium 0 – .5%. This chart was made using popular rabbit breeds so if your breed is not featured simply use this formula for figuring out how much sprouted fodder to feed: (Rabbit weight) x … 3-way hay can be the main diet for any rabbit, but senior rabbits or rabbits with bad teeth may find the grains hard to chew properly. Look for fresh grain with the chaff removed that has not been heated. Rabbit Hay has a very important role to play in your rabbit’s diet. This makes it more fragrant, greener and more palatable. First 8 weeks of a baby rabbits diet should only be rabbit milk. Considering all of the above noted factors, you can expect an average content, produced from a *prime-cutting of Oat hay to be: Crude Protein 7 – 9% … Crude Fiber 27 – 31% … Calcium .25 – .75%, ORCHARD GRASS HAY: Orchard grass hay is the king when it comes to higher fiber with less protein. All of the above-mentioned hay has the same health benefits for your rabbits except for alfalfa hay which I will explain in detail later in the post. The main component of every rabbit's diet should be fresh grass or hay (dried grass). Its high fibre content is the single most important thing in maintaining good dental and intestinal health. Young bunnies should be exposed to hay as soon as they can eat on their own. However, it typically does not grow as large as other varieties, therefore it tends to be cheaper, and can be harvested more often. Most other hay is green in color unlike oat … As well as it seems rabbits prefer to eat dried grass more because it tastes better. Finding out the best bedding hay for your rabbits is not a difficulty. There is also a higher level of copper and zinc found in this variety. Not all hays are best for your rabbits and some hays may even create health concerns in your rabbits or an upset stomach. I suggest in the beginning you buy rabbit hay in small quantities to try out which is best for your rabbit. £14.91. If you have a problem registering or accessing an exiting account please post a message in the help section describing the problem. They cannot digest cereals and grains and every bit of bread can choke them or form intestinal blockages. Its best suggested to cut while the leaves and stems are still green and the grain is still soft to ensure a higher amount of digestible energy and protein but should be noted that it has low calcium content. 10 left. . This is the most important of a rabbit's diet. Yet I am not saying that all branded packaged rabbit hays are fresh. Grass and Hay for Rabbits. Mixed grass (timothy, meadow, oat, rye, barley or Bermuda grasses) hay is lower in calcium and calories. To understand more about rabbit bedding and rabbit sleeping positions go here >>> Where do rabbits sleep? This is the most important of a rabbit's diet. Barley hay. Mixing the two will make your bunny a very happy animal. Barley hay can be an inexpensive available feed source (Llewellyn et al., 2000). Required fields are marked *. My second go-to option for alfalfa hay is Oxbow alfalfa hay. Hence it is vital that your rabbit receives plenty of fiber in their diet for a smooth digestive system and at the same time do not consume too much protein. Remember, sprouted fodder can be barley, wheat, or oats for the best results and protein content. As I have mentioned earlier the significance of hay in a rabbits diet, it is equally important for baby rabbits to have hay. However, the effectual loss of protein in Timothy hay could be significantly less than what is found in Alfalfa hay. Want your rabbit to be happy and healthy? 3-way hay is expecially good for overweight rabbits or picky rabbits. In some US States, this type of hay is cultivated alongside roads, ditches, and medians, therefore it routinely contains various kinds of un-known matter, and when baled is often found to be course and low in nutrients. The Hay Experts - specialists in natural, healthy and tasty produce for rabbits and small animals. Many rabbits enjoy the crunchiness of the seed husks, and you will see it blended with other hays. However, if this is what you have to work with, try to research the location of harvest to help reduce these risks. and they look gorg when they eat it . Cereal grains – oats, wheat, barley, grain sorghums, corn and rye; Milled feed – bran, middlings and shorts; Hays – alfalfa, lespedeza and timothy; Protein supplements – soybean meal, peanut meal and dried products; Salt - When formulating a rabbit ration, make sure it will supply the rabbits with adequate amounts of the required nutrients. Hence, I wrote this article to guide rabbit guardians on what kind of hay to buy, where to buy hay, and which is the best hay for your rabbits? Furthermore, if the cutting was done past the maturity level noted above, it then has the nutritional value of straw, and has the possibility of carrying a high nitrate content as well; as such, both would not be a good consideration for rabbit-use. Alfalfa (and clover, peas, beans or peanut) is not recommended. Every time I suggested the Viking farmer alfalfa hay to someone who owns rabbits, I never received a negative review. Remember, sprouted fodder can be barley, wheat, or oats for the best results and protein content. Let me guide you to determine. The Legumes include Alfalfa and Clover and the Grasses include Timothy, Orchard, Bermuda, Brome, Oat, Barley, and a few others. You should never feed your rabbit hay that contains artificial additives or preservatives. 15 Reasons rabbits are better pets at home than cats and dogs. It is best-suited for small breeds of rabbits, as well as young kits, as it plays a large role in the development of bones & muscle mass. No additives or preservatives. Mixed grass (timothy, meadow, oat, rye, barley or Bermuda grasses) hay is … Archaic. 3-Way hay has on average 31%-33% fibre, 10%-11% protein, and 0.4% calcium. Otherwise, the exact amount of protein and fiber will vary due to maturity at time of cutting, environmental, and other conditions, however the average percentages are: Crude Protein 6 – 9% … Crude Fiber 23 – 27% … Calcium .25 – 1%, BERMUDA GRASS HAY: Bermuda Grass has a moderate amount of nutrients, fairly compatible to that of Timothy and Barley hay. Both sizes are supplied in a plastic free cardboard box. As with all types when taking into consideration the content of nutrients, when cut at select times, you can expect an average range of: Crude Protein 9 – 11% … Crude Fiber 28 – 32% … Calcium .1 – .5%, PRAIRIE HAY: Prairie grass hay is fairly unpredictable, as it is a mixture of wild grasses. Like Barley, we had to hand feed him his food and water just to get him to eat and drink for the first few days. This is a better food for younger rabbits, and more of an occasional treat for adults. Read the entry and then read what I’m thinking (as a person who has raised rabbits in cages with pellets and then more recently in a colony feeding primarily hay and sprouted barley) Rabbits. A musical pipe made of an oat straw. Some examples of important nutrients you should provide for your rabbit include proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (or fats), minerals and vitamins. How do rabbits protect themselves from predators? As grass hay contains a high amount of fiber, it helps your rabbits to maintain great health and remain happy. There are many different types of hay for rabbits that are appropriate. Even the pickiest rabbit loved munching on this brand of hay. The reason for that is hay plays a significant role to keep rabbits in good health. all hays are good for rabbits . This chart was made using popular rabbit breeds so if … The hay is fresh and color green. The easiest way to build interest of your rabbit to consume more hay is simply by reducing the volume of dry food you feed your rabbits. For these reasons alone, we suggest using a different variety with a hardier, more reliable content. Depending on your rabbit and your accessibility you have a variety of options of hay to feed your rabbits. £6.75. Remove all the confusions and figure out today which is the best rabbit hay for your bunnies and why hay is crucial for a bunnies health. Orchard grass, brome, oat hay, timothy, or a mixture of these grasses are classified as hay. Additionally, the Oat and Barley varieties are also known as cereal-grain hays. So it is necessary that you slowly increase the amount of hay you feed your baby rabbits. Click on the links below for: Rabbit foodRabbit ToysRabbit cages and housesRabbit health and hygiene, Your email address will not be published. Feed-grade barley is pictured above. Oat (oht) noun. Just a reminder alfalfa hay is only suitable for rabbits those are under 7 months old. Meadow grass is a longer, softer stemmed grass than Timothy hay. We bought a 50# bag for $8. Both sizes are supplied in a plastic free cardboard box. Why is hay important for rabbits in their daily diet? Understanding the real differences between Alfalfa Hay, Timothy Hay, Orchard Hay, and various other blends make the difference in your bunny having a healthy, long life. We welcome new members, please and say hello, tell us about your rabbits or ask advice. Consequences of separating bonded rabbits. Alfalfa hay is the best hay for any young rabbit to help with their growth and strengthen bones. Often oats (used with a sing. The most important food item to offer rabbits is hay. Bonding two female rabbits: Is same-gender bonding possible. £7.99. If I want to buy alfalfa hay for baby rabbits then my first choice is Viking farmer alfalfa hay. They come in color green and fresh looking. It can, however, be used in conjunction with a higher fiber, good quality, relatively immature 1st or 2nd cutting hay, and creates greater … Notably, the fiber content is reasonably comparable between the two. Dried grass is made from grass that is made by artificially speeding up the drying process. The varieties under consideration were: Western Timothy Hay – “A quality US timothy hay: a mix of thin stem, seed head and green leaf.”; Readigrass – “A short chopped and rapid dried grass. Selective Naturals Meadow Loops For Rabbits With Timothy Hay & Thyme 80g (Pack o. Alfafa Hay is also a common food given to rabbits. Another problem is a reported higher amount of mold growth, which could ultimately be toxic to rabbits. These three types of grass have very minimum nutritional value if compared with all other types of hay. You can also give your rabbits oat, barley, or wheat hay. My rabbits bum love it. Introducing a baby rabbit to an older rabbit. Also wheat and oat straw can be sourced on request. Small Animals Folding Wire Hay Rack with Treat Hanger For Rabbits, Gunea Pigs. After the grain ripes, the grass turns from color green to golden and lose most of its nutrition. Think Hay for Rabbits Isn't Necessary? It is digested better than pure barley, due to the lack of a shell. The most significant difference in the various types of hay is the amount of nutrients found in each one. - Some rabbits need a lot of extra care after surgery. verb) Any of various grasses of the genus Avena, especially A. sativa, widely cultivated for their edible grains. 3-way hay can be the main diet for any rabbit, but senior rabbits or rabbits with bad teeth may find the grains hard to chew properly. Each sack is breathable and reusable. But giving too much of dried grass to an adult rabbit can cause excessive weight gain due to the fact dried grass contains more protein. They need to receive nutrients in specific amounts to grow and perform at their best. Recommended Diet for Adult Rabbits Fresh Hay (or grass) Should always to be available. It is our opinion that third cutting hay does not contain sufficient fiber content to be the only hay in the diet of most rabbits. Barley grows faster than wheat and gets a better root mat. The majority of a rabbit’s diet should be a grass hay (at least 75-80%). or pl. Timothy hay is the better choice of hay as it comes straight from the farm, sun-dried naturally and in most cases free from pesticides. Rabbit Scout is a part of Business Growth Digital Marketing. For the sake of this article’s purpose however, and remembering the variable conditions which effect nutrient content – time of cutting, environment, and so on – these are the average rates of nutrient content: Crude Protein 16 – 22% … Crude Fiber 18 – 23% … Calcium .75 – 2.75, BARLEY HAY: When compared to Alfalfa, Barley hay is not as nutritional. mines been on meadow hay dried grass barley hay and wheat she loves it all . Stocking all that you need to ensure your little ones wellbeing and happiness, now and into the future. If you see soft poops then stop feeding them the particular hay right away and again introduce them with hay after a couple of days. You can use the same hay as the one your rabbit feeds on to prepare their bed. Check the color of the hay, the texture as well as whether it is dusty or not. Because we care about every bunny’s life, our experts at Rabbit Pedia have done the research and combined this list of the most common types of hay available, and what the actual differences are between them. If you have a rabbit that doesn’t like to feed on hay, you must encourage him to eat more hay. Hay is cut from fields containing grasses and legumes. It is rich in vitamins, fiber, and other minerals and low in protein. I like the wheat grass to help promote their bum. Swath grazing of barley forage or barley/legume is a way to increase the grazing season in northern areas . No worries, you will only receive a few bunny emails per year. It is rich in vitamins, fiber, and other minerals and low in protein. If you have many rabbits and enough room to store hay, another option is to buy hay as bales from farms. Also offer both 1 st cut (high fibre) and 3 rd cut (high nutrients) in this range.. Meadow grass hay for rabbits. Note: Timothy Hay is more suitable for adult rabbits Your email address will not be published. Timothy hay, on the other hand, is quite good as a staple diet. On a plus side, If you feed ‘haylage’ to your rabbits, this could be a valuable commodity as it grows and cures quickly, and retains most nutritional value during storage. These days we are feeding our rabbits a mix of lucerne hay (alfalfa), whole barley, rolled/crushed oats and pellets with free access to meadow hay and a salt block. Timothy Hay should be fed as 'free-choice' food daily, meaning it should be available at ALL TIMES. Totally t 3-way hay is a mixture of oat hay, wheat hay and barley(or rye) hay. These three types of grass have very minimum nutritional value if compared with all other types of hay. 12lb box of 2 nd cut Timothy hay, which is supplied by Small Pet Select in a breathable box to keep the hay fresh (card keeps sunlight out but allows air to circulate). Barely rings are part of a great range of rabbit treats we have at Bunbox. Feed your rabbit fresh hay and only fresh hay. bum once they do eat it, I see they bum go to town on their hay bum. One of the most vital parts of a rabbit’s diet is hay. The texture is surprisingly good and not dusty at all. Straw, on the other hand, is cut from hollow plants like wheat. Barley does win on the amount of energy content, but yet again fails in comparison to Alfalfa hay when it comes to calcium content. It is best-suited for small breeds of rabbits, as well as young kits, as it plays a large role in the development of bones & muscle mass. 2kg Barley Straw Box 4kg Barley Straw Box Ideal bedding for both rabbits & guinea pigs. Oxbow alfalfa hay is not the best quality of hay however they are pretty good for the price you pay. Excess protein is not good for adult or an overweight rabbit as I have mentioned earlier. But has a trade-off on a higher risk of GI blockage. This is hay which is dried faster compared to the naturally dried hay. Hay is good for their teeth bum well bum when they bum molting. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. In case they like it then you can buy in larger amounts. An overweight rabbit must not be given alfalfa hay which can cause health concerns. Straw. Therefore it is best to use these kinds of hay for the purpose rabbit bedding other than feeding rabbits. Green and rich in aroma and nutrition.” Oat, Wheat & Barley Hay – “Oat Wheat & Barley – “A yummy mix of coarse stem, broad leaf and seed head. ( milky stage ) to make hay hay to feed your rabbit or. Should never feed your rabbit might like it or not wheat she loves it all your rabbits... Barley varieties are also known as cereal-grain hays alternative with some kinds such as hailed... Reason for that is made by artificially speeding up the drying process other... You have a rabbit ’ s diet of winter forage in various regions, especially the! 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